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Well-Educated Heart Reference Library

Our Well-Educated Heart Reference Library allows you to read all the presentations, podcasts and other messages that were previously only offered in an audio format. (NOTE: Videos/audios that are held in someone else's copyright are not included.)

  • Introduction 

  • Volume I: Philosophy 

  • Volume II: Tools and Methods 

  • Volume III: Inspiration 


WEH Reference Bundle

This contains all four books of the WEH Reference Library. Click the button below to buy paperback copies.


Our Introduction booklet is a perfect introduction to share with a friend who wants to learn what WEH is about. Just meant to whet the appetite.

CTV Introduction Part 1
00:00 / 43:47
CTV Introduction Part 2
00:00 / 30:03
98CTV0 Introduction.png
98CTV1 Philosophy.png

VOLUME ONE: Philosophy

Collection of talks and presentations. Bonus section offers some of the popular fine art and quotes that have been shared through Facebook & Instragram.

Methods & Tools

Podcast and presentation transcriptions as well as sample planning pages, notebooking pages, the Take 5s, and our complete booklists.

98CTV2 Methods.Tools.png
98CTV3 Inspiration.png


Podcasts of Great Lives and samplers from books arranged by the rotation schedule.

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